Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Plantar fascia

abductor hallucis, flexor digitorum brevis, and quadratus plantae share the origin on medial calcaneal tubercle and may be inflamed as well
med calcaneal tubercle to metatarsals
overuse injury
risk factor:abductor hallucis, flexor digitorum brevis, and quadratus plantae share the origin on medial calcaneal tubercle and may be inflamed as well
he plantar fascia is a nonelastic, multilayered fibrous structure that acts via a windlass mechanism to support the foot arch in the late stage of stance phase.

Essentially a thin layer of connective tissue supporting the arch of the foot

entrapment of the inferior calcaneal nerve (ICN) or muscular branch of the lateral plantar nerve (LPN) may be contributory to the pathogenesis of plantar fasciitis.
windlass test
How to tape:arch support:u of tape from the 1st distal head metatarsal to 5th distal head metatarsaltape left to right over the medial calcaneal tubercle provide medial posterior tensionoverlap the next piece 50% then the rest of the plantar fascia 25%

if stretching not working nerve entrapme
A review of the literature reveals that a person displaying either a lower- or higher-arched foot can experience plantar fasciitis. Patients with lower arches have conditions resulting from too much motion, whereas patients with higher arches have conditions resulting from too little motion.,, Therefore, people with different foot types experience plantar fascia pain resulting from different biomechanical stresses.


Monday, May 6, 2019

Anatomy of the Vestibular System

Image result for vestibular system

3 semicircular canals- detect rotational acceleration
saccule & macula- detect gravity's pull on the body, linear acceleration

Image result for vestibular nerve
Vestibulocochlear nerve